Sunday, December 15, 2013

{Review} Body Shop's Chocomania Scrub

Hey y'all! My christmas break starts this week and I'm so excited! Plus it might mean more updates?? Hopefully. I'm staying here in Finland as some family friends are visiting but I don't mind as it's starting to snow!! Yeah about that, what's up with snow this year? It's snowing in Palestine/Israel but not in Helsinki?? Global Warming is taking it's toll hey..

So the product I'm reviewing is called Chocomania Exfoliant Corporel Body Scrub. It comes in a tub and looks like this >>>

It smells heavenly and is an exact replica of chocolate! It's quite textured as it is in fact a scrub.. I have some pictures below and you can really see how thick it is. 

I applied a small sample on my face and would not recommend any more than that. As it is quite thick it can feel heavy on your face. Yes I'm aware it is called a "body" scrub, however I wanted to fully exfoliate my face and my Vitamin E Scrub from Body Shop was not that effective.

I left it on for about 2 minutes max and meanwhile gently rubbed my face. When I washed it off my face was soooooo soooo soft. I'm not exaggerating! It really felt .. as soft as a baby's bottom (?)! Is that weird? Do people say that anymore? Anyways..

My face felt clean but moisturised. I didn't have to use an additional face cream because the chocolate kept my face moist. 

I recently subscribed to body shop and recieved lots of free samples. I'm not exactly sure if you can buy it in this 50oz tub, but it is definitely sold in stores! (I researched) and it is €18.90 for a 200ml tub. Which is quite expensive really... Did y'all notice that Body Shop has become really expensive? I remember a couple (or more) years ago it was 

My final thoughts is that I really enjoy this product as it does work and smells heavenly. I couldn't use this everyday as it is quite heavy and demanding on your skin, however it is great for a treat once in a while.

lots of love, 
littlemissarianna x

Friday, December 06, 2013

What to Wear in Winter: News Edition

Hi guys, so I'm cheating this week. I have four assessments due this weekend so I didn't have time to write a totally awesome post... But I decided why not share a post me and my friend wrote for my School Online Newspaper! Hope you enjoy!

All the useful tips on dressing warm and cozy for Winter!
Winter is one of the most beautiful seasons but can get a little chilly– or alot in Finland! It’s important not to compromise on keeping warm whilst still looking good! Arianna and Nandi have gathered the most important tips and basics which are crucial for survival in winter ;) Girls and boys, get ready to take notes!
Tip 1: Always wear a jacket! We hope that this tip is self explanatory!
Tip 2: Tube scarfs for girls! There is a reason this trend is popular amongst Finnish teenage girls. It has a no hassle design and is available in many colour and patterns! Plus it keeps you warm!
Tip 3: Do not wear sneakers! They might look cool, but they do not keep your feet warm at all (unless they are fur lined..). Additionally the snow will drench them and you will freeze. Another disadvantage is that the do not have much grip so there is a high possibility you will slip!
Tip 4: Wear “Pippot’s” or Ear-muffs! We simply don’t understand how people’s ears don’t freeze without wearing either of these! They are a must in everyone’s closet. There are a variety of designs so you’re fashion will not be compromised.. We find ear-muffs are the most practical for keeping your ears warm and not messing up your hair!
Tip 5: Gloves! An essential not to be forgotten! Ok guys honestly, without gloves your hands will be as cold as a ice and fashion is definitely not an excuse. Hey, you can buy gloves that look amazingly cute with your outfit and keep your hand super warm. So leaving the house without these essentials, NOT a good idea!
Tip 6: Reflectors- a lifesaver! In a country like Finland where the sun barely comes out , reflectors are something you cannot leave the house without. A small thing like that can save our lives this winter, plus you can get them in many cute shapes and sizes. For all those who didn’t, taking those ISH reflectors might have been a  good idea.
So these were all our winter wear tips for enjoying this weather without getting frozen. Fashionable and fun, these are some must haves you can’t leave the house without! If you have any more tips, comment below and share your ideas with us.

How did you like it? DO I write any differently? I don't think I do... Comment what you think down below!
lots of hugs,
littlemissarianna  x